Friday, November 26, 2010

Bad Sinuses In Pregnancy

Nothing goes well

* just me *

Unfortunately, nothing is going right, by the way, my life is slowly transforming into a disaster u__u.
I think for a while I will put aside the idea of posting my fic ", as I have very little written & I believe that literally, my brain is drying up: S, I no longer ideas flowing, I focus on everything costs too much aspect, every time I lose interest in things: /. I hope I have descepcionado
anyone (although I think I have not done yet), but ... Yes ladies & gentlemen, my fic has been canceled temporarily, and give me the holiday & then I'll see what I can do things, you could write, or perhaps, more the ideas flow to me & can write something compelling to anyone not descepcionar: .) Although I think anyway, as the descepcionaré, since I'm new to this & let us say, I'm not good U_U.



I have every hope that Barca win was expected. Well, even if you lose, do not look down, do not hide me & I'll be proudest of Culé *-*, but that if I will have to endure jokes & stuff like that D:, but bueeeeeeh!, life goes on & not be made to die for it;) (wise advice from my brother & I hahaha). Well, all this, what are your predictions?, Mine will reserve me the muajaja (6), hahaha.



Well, I can only say that for now I will devote myself only to read fics ^ - ^. Hope you're soooo good:).
Kiss: *

PD: Once again, my spelling is terrible. My apologies: '(.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sara Shepard Pretty Little Liars Movie In Cinema

Points to consider whether to dispose of its housing

I'm pretty sure that at some point in life, you have to live the ruling of our house. Not just a stressful and delicate time, but also very emotional. In order to make things easier for yourself, here are 10 tips for bear in mind:

1) Identify a good real estate agent. Check with your acquaintances in order to have comments and totally sure that you are not using a consultant completely unknown. It is advisable to interview at least three real estate advisers. Get references of the agent or representative and do not forget the experience of the representative for the sale of homes in your area. Make sure as much as possible from the representative you choose is one that can work and communicate well with yourself. Never make your choice based on the highest price quoted by a representative, as the agent who will not buy your home.

2) Use a knowledgeable professional photo or a person with experience in business to take pictures inside and outside of your property. This really is a good decision because if the photos are properly in the notice could help draw the attention of more interested in real estate to your property.

3) Promote and advertise your property on the local network. It is a notice of sale in a visible part of your home. Ever, the purchaser be a neighbor or your neighbor or relative who wants to live in her.

4) Identify your competitors. Find out and compare with similar homes that are just selling the property market. If necessary, the details of your property that are not in that of other vendors.

5) The first impression is very important. Make sure your yard is clean and tidy. The interior of the housing is also crucial. If the front of your house does not look in good condition we recommend repainting the walls and ceiling to improve its appearance. Use of neutral colors, because they can mix better with other colors in your home. Choose a bold color, and give a special feature on one wall of his house. That kind of designs give you a good look for your home

6) Do not skimp on expenses if it is really necessary, pay particular attention to areas like the kitchen and bathroom. If the general condition is good, sometimes new flooring or tiles, and the change of faucets and accessories can cool the area and give a new life.

7) La limpieza de las alfombras es fundamental. Le recomendamos mandan limpiar su alfombra para quitar cualquier mancha que ésta tenga debido al uso, ya que esas manchas dan una mala imagen al aspecto general de la vivienda. La apariencia de su alfombra cambiará radicalmente así como la imagen del inmueble. Si es muy vieja o gastada, es mejor reemplazarla totalmente.

8) Erradicar la desorganización. En aras de dar la apariencia de amplitud, es realmente importante erradicar la desorganización más que todo en la sala y en las alcobas. Empaquete los objetos o que rara vez son utilizados y almacénelos o .

9) Llevar a cabo reparaciones simple at home. Make sure that each and every working properly. Completely sure that the taps and tanks do not leak. All doors and windows sound.

10) When the day comes when the buyers visit your home, make sure your home smells nice and fresh. The customers would not want your property smells like cigarettes and pet waste.

The above tips, will certainly help sell your property more easily

additional information Bogota Homes for Sale

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trunk Fuel Cell Mustang

A big cheer for me! Model of Camp Nou

I'm making progress!, And I customize my LJ! (A breakthrough for me xD).
Today was a day too abnormal!: se me ha ido el aire!, (Lo sé, exagero demasiado ê_ê) & casi se me escapa un grito, pero tube que contenerme, ya que estaba gran parte de mi familia.


Empezé a escribir un Empanadilla + Kriqué, pronto lo subiré, tengo que acabar el cap 1 jaja, lo he empezado el viernes pasado.
Los capítulos son cortísimos U_U, ya que mi mente no está muy bien emocionalmente & con la edad que tengo, no se puede hacer mucho :/.

Bueno, es hora de partir, pero antes, me gustaría hacer mensión del cumpleaños de Jesús Navas (Dioooooos!, este hombre me mata & más con los pedazos de ojos que tiene x_x).
Now I can go quiet haha, I accept suggestions & all you want:). Besoooos *.

PS My spelling is not as good U____U, my sincere apologies.

Paau ^ - ^. Hola chic @ s

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Abortion Rally Sayings

malena15 @ 2010-11-06T10: 18:00

Hii minna
Today I bring you notivia Arashi .. hmm xD
again turns out that this great group of storm brings the highly anticipated new PV
> _ \u0026lt;haha
Hatenai Sora

Personally I found the video pretty good xD
leave the link for Hmm ... tube
although the most likely or deleted soon




Friday, November 5, 2010

Capture Card Freezing

malena15 @ 2010-11-05T22: 41:00

Wiii seguimos con nuevas noticias y es que nada mas y nada menos
nuestros queridisimos chicos de Arashi estaran en el Music Station
la siguiente semana
【2010/11/12 Viernes 8:00 P.M./ Hora Japon】   presentando 
su nueva cancion de Hatenai Sora kyaa una cancion muy kawaii (>0< )b

Bien es todo no tengo mucho que decir xD
Saludos ^^
 Fuente>> \u0026lt;\u0026lt;