Friday, February 4, 2011

Driver Savage2000 Vga

Viva .... free

Ya sé que lo de viva puede parecer una estupidez cuando tampoco hace mucho más de una semana que no me paso por aquí, pero dado lo sucedido estos días es mucho decir.

El miércoles de la semana pasada terminé los exámenes (a las 6 de la tarde... una hora horrible) y, curiosamente, ese día por la mañana en el momento justo que no sabía que más repasar salieron las dos notas que tenía pendientes y fueron buenas noticias :D Aprobé las dos (una con muy buena nota) y por lo tanto el primer cuatrimestre de tercero ha pasado a la historia.

On Thursday, I dedicated myself to doze at home and at night went out for a walk with my friends in the literary workshop (still so named because it sounds as if we were decent people, but that was 5 years old can now atrásy scary), on Friday I went to class inglésy left on Saturday I went ... in fact I got home at 8 on Sunday ... and that's where my health began to suffer. Basically on Sunday had a tremendous back pain that made it seem a little old lady walking ... and Monday night I started with gastrointeritis ... did on Tuesday I fainted at home and I opened a gap in the head ... So now I am the proud owner of two staples in the head and I'm afraid my hair in case I catch the hair or something ...

xD But I must say that this week I've been hooked to Castle though I've only seen two chapters, I saw 10 reasons to hate it entirely (not just leave us with that final TT) and I started the operation "re-download the Merlin series." So hopefully ocn, let nothing get bored with my life and start to talk about things like that series and the book I'm reading Jane Eyre is but I'm going to take it easy (hey, that does not mean that eguste m).

Well, I'll take that I have 40 minutes before going to England to see if I pass notes to your computer, which this week with the story of ill play the role I have things to be ... luckily when new semester presentations were almost all because if not ...


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