Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chucky Cheese Motorcycle For Sale

Bartender - Episode 02 (Subtitles in Spanish)

I forgot to tell the week x_x last

Forum Jump

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You Get Tattoos On Your Genitals?

Bartender - Spanish Subs - Episode 01

Preparing for Bartender, Lotus left the letter in English on the forum

: D Thanks to Cat!
yarukizero Gracias a Cat por el permiso ♥

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Level 6 Floor Music 2009

Joker ~ Yurusarezaru Sosakan -


Brazilian Waxing Burlington Ontario

Bartender Episode 08 - Ending (Karaoke + Spanish translation)

401 MB - Megaupload - Download
Thanks to

saobang2211 for the raws ♥

Friday, February 4, 2011

1975 John Deere Snowmobile 300

Juui Dolittle - Episode 04 - Spanish subtitles


Driver Savage2000 Vga

Viva .... free

Ya sé que lo de viva puede parecer una estupidez cuando tampoco hace mucho más de una semana que no me paso por aquí, pero dado lo sucedido estos días es mucho decir.

El miércoles de la semana pasada terminé los exámenes (a las 6 de la tarde... una hora horrible) y, curiosamente, ese día por la mañana en el momento justo que no sabía que más repasar salieron las dos notas que tenía pendientes y fueron buenas noticias :D Aprobé las dos (una con muy buena nota) y por lo tanto el primer cuatrimestre de tercero ha pasado a la historia.

On Thursday, I dedicated myself to doze at home and at night went out for a walk with my friends in the literary workshop (still so named because it sounds as if we were decent people, but that was 5 years old can now atrásy scary), on Friday I went to class inglésy left on Saturday I went ... in fact I got home at 8 on Sunday ... and that's where my health began to suffer. Basically on Sunday had a tremendous back pain that made it seem a little old lady walking ... and Monday night I started with gastrointeritis ... did on Tuesday I fainted at home and I opened a gap in the head ... So now I am the proud owner of two staples in the head and I'm afraid my hair in case I catch the hair or something ...

xD But I must say that this week I've been hooked to Castle though I've only seen two chapters, I saw 10 reasons to hate it entirely (not just leave us with that final TT) and I started the operation "re-download the Merlin series." So hopefully ocn, let nothing get bored with my life and start to talk about things like that series and the book I'm reading Jane Eyre is but I'm going to take it easy (hey, that does not mean that eguste m).

Well, I'll take that I have 40 minutes before going to England to see if I pass notes to your computer, which this week with the story of ill play the role I have things to be ... luckily when new semester presentations were almost all because if not ...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Homemade Aluminum Fishing Boat


Gerard :3

Many happy & I hope that Bojan you as you deserve to celebrate the birthday: 3.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Vladmodels

I complain ... (Or attempts to avoid studying)

Oh yeah ... a post of complaints ... Is not a great idea? Okay, I know that no ... but the alternative is to review the exam I have tomorrow macroeconomíay not really much more attractive. Moreover, although growls a lot and so desperate I things pretty good mood ... I think it's time to fulfill my purpose of being positive ... although these things the first week is always relatively easy (except for things like quitting smoking or so).

My complaints are all related to school .... because despite having started the testing period on day 11 of this month still do not know any notes ... and I find it shameful, really. I mean, it finished the review for 4 hours, do not fix ... or even pass that I did on Monday of last week still does not know anything about him (except that in my dream de esta noche lo suspendía con un 4.5)... pero hacer uno hace dos semanas, que lo primero que diga la profesora al entrar es "Tranquilos que es muy corto" y que realmente es una asignatura bastante fácil de calificar siga sin saberse nada pues... Eso, sumado al hecho de que ayer tuviera un pequeño ataque de pánico porque el libro de una asignatura y los apuntes de clase se contradecían... y que al ir al despacho en horario de tutorías a ver al profesor (que se supone que debía estar ahi... y al que no le mande un correo para avisarle como suelo por culpa de que el correo de la universidad funciona fatal en los últimos tiempos) me encontré con un despacho vacío.

En fin... que a gusto se queda una. Lo último que cabría añadir es que aunque me encanta el marketing, odio a los profesores del departamento por pretender que en 35 minutos sea creativa para hacer un caso práctico que vale 4 puntos... llevaba genial el examen, no lo hice mal en el tipo test pero aunque probablemente apruebe mis expectativas de sacar un sobresaliente se han ido a la porra (y no, no es que sea una empollona asquerosa, es que en las asignaturas de marketing me exijo más dado que es a lo que quiero dedicarme en un futuro).

Pero bueno... a pesar de todo esto y a pesar de until tomorrow at 4 to make the macroeconomics exam (my last unfinished 2 nd with the officially ending the 2 nd cycle race) I'm in a good mood. Starting on Thursday get my social life and I have many plans ... and I'm starting to plan the summer looking at scholarships and stuff (probably not give me no ... but at least this year will request because I've heard that dan) ... beginning on Monday of next week begins a new semester with new subjects (3 of 5 are marketing) and that always motivates me. And today I got answering the last letter he had sent to Laura Gallego (look at the events section of its website and feel the same happiness I) =)

Well, I guess I like parentheses has not been too bad ... so I'll go back to study.

1 day for freedom: D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Horse Of The Year Show Theme Tune

swirl of colors ...

... or something to indicate the many contradictions apply to my personality.

I love livejournal, blogs and the like ... I've always liked the idea of wearing one and there have been many attempts, but the problem that stands in my way every time is my lack of consistency. So here's another attempt ... hoping to have better results than the previous.

I'm not sure what I intend to do this liveournal (besides the obvious that is forcing me to write) because sometimes I have included some personal anecdotes and feel like my LJ should become a stranger ; ay modern version of the old lady sitting next to you on the bus and tells you all his life without asking. In principle I have the intention to discuss books, movies and so many things in general ... and I think that practice to be interested in someone, but I guess that the main reason I do is to force me to write. And it can be a good place to expose these things short I go when I need to vent .... but seeing it go ... because normally I do a thousand plans and in the end everything comes to nothing.

As a way to break the ice and we just started taking advantage of the year (well. .. may be considered later ... but it is also said that it is better late than never, " no?) had thought of leaving my purposes here. And while the writing came to the conclusion that should be the first year I do a ... because as I know I never usually bother to translate them into paper, as far as to say "this year will study more," "I'll stop wasting so much time on the computer" etc. Start
  1. have a minimum of confidence in myself (not a question of believing a diva, but confide more of my abilities and my strengths I avoid seeing problems where none exist).
  2. be more positive (to not engage in further aggravate the alleged problems above).
  3. be more consistent (at the time of writing, keeping in touch with people, wear ...). LJ It is so nice
right? I could add something more like stop biting my nails (thing that I have progressed since I only do when I'm under pressure), while being a groundhog or further study .. but I intend to start the year with positive energy and not so much depressed with what I'm going to have to give ... so ...

Despite all this I'm afraid I have to start failing my Initial plans to go commenting on books and movies, but this time is justified because I am in testing phase (oh yeah ... this time I started the day 11 ... have been the best Christmas of my life) and say that the free time I have used it to walk, socialize and do anything other than being stuck at home reading ... but I promise that in a couple of weeks I will start in "serious."